Today was a fun day but not all went the way I wanted it to. I drove a hour and half to Jackson, I had a dentist appointment at 9:30 and they were suppose to clean my teeth and check out one tooth that was giving my problems. Finally after a hour and half waiting they called me in. Turns out my tooth or gum underneath is infected, so they gave me antibotics and a rinse. The dentist lady wanted to just pull it, I said no. They never did clean my teeth, said they were backed up. So you could say I was kinda pissed after waiting all that time. My mom went with me and we picked up my sister on the way. After the dentist we went to the Casino where we had lunch. Then we went to play some games on the slot machines and my mom won three hundred and something dollars, she always wins. My sister played the afternoon on her twenty bucks and still had most of it when we left. And me, I blew about eighty dollars. Bummer. The machines were just not paying me at all, quite boring. We left there at 2:00 pm and headed out to the thrift stores. I bought a beautiful crocheted table cloth for six bucks and two ceramic nativity sets (all one piece), and another one that plays music and is made of plastic. The figurines move. Really cool.
We had a fun day spending time together. I have another dentist appointment next week, not to sure if I want to go. Tomorrow Gary and I are going to a Auction, wonder what we might get ? That's tomorrows story.....
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