Gary's Heart !!!
Gary went to the Cardiologist today and all is well. His heart is pumping better and the doctor upped his meds and he goes back in 3 months. Back in 07 they said Gary was using 15 to 20% of his heart and now his Echo-Cardiogram shows that he is using 30 to 35 %, which is good. The doctor wants him to get over 40 % otherwise he wants to put in a defibrillator if under 40 %, which Gary does not want to do this. Let us keep Gary in our prayers.
JoAnn Fabric & Crafts is a FLOP !!!
Disappointed today to hear that no one signed up for MY classes at JoAnn's yet, which I don't blame them one bit. There classes are expensive even at half price, plus you have to buy the supplies too. I wouldn't do it myself. I am serious thinking about doing classes on my own, like once a month. I used to years ago and had a blast. Something to think about.
On Patty's Heart !!!
One thing though, I am super excited about and has been on my heart for many years is opening a new store. I really believe it will happen ! I have been praying about it and I really think I can do it. It will be in French Camp and it will be called "Patty's". I will sell Honey, Produce, Fruits and Nuts, Gift Baskets of all kinds, Specialty Items, Crafty things. Plus thinking about the coffees and Deli Sandwiches. So give me some input, what do you think ? I am hoping to get a grant to start it so I don't have to wait or rely on Gary to get Almond money in 2011. I know he would drag his feet and say, I need the money for other things, so I need to seek God on this and get his help if I want to do this. I need a job really bad and nothing seems to be working out so I have to do something. I made my bills and only I make the payments on them. Unemployment is running out really fast !
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